Sunday, July 30, 2017

A Lazy Summer Afternoon

     I have lived in the greater Irvington area since 1993. I have explored every inch of this wonderful east side Indianapolis neighborhood and I still have much more to discover. Over the next several years, I hope to document this community and the people who have dwelled here. I have taken hundreds of photographs over the decades and I intend to share some of those with you.  I was in my twenties when I moved here.  I am now in my fifties so there is much to write about.

     Often times, I can be seen taking an evening walk with a camera in my hand. Not all of my photos are worth publishing. Most will never be seen by anyone other than me. My favorite are those that evoke a moment or an era. And so, the very first photograph that I shall share with you will not be of a person, but of a cat. I took the photo on East Michigan Street near Lesley Avenue on a warm afternoon in 2001. I had no idea at that moment that in a few months the world was about to change. No, it was just me and this cat...

Lazy Cat (Photo by William Gulde, Summer 2001)